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      魅力一中 輝煌卓著

      當前位置:首頁 / 德育之窗 / 心理健康/過來人的10句箴言:年輕的時候懂這些道理就好了


      發(fā)布時間:2013-05-02 04:34:47瀏覽次數(shù):2029


      10 Wise Lessons: What I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger
        As I recently celebrated another year of life and am entering a new phase of mid-life (whatever that is) I began to contemplate the lessons that I would pass on to my younger self.最近剛過完生日,人到中年,人生進入了一個新的階段,我開始思索年輕時候的我學到的經(jīng)驗教訓。
        Whether you are young or young at heart, it is never too late to change or incorporate some new (and better) practices into your daily life. Here are 10 wise lessons that I wish I knew when I was younger:
      1. Dont worry about what other people think of you.
        I used to worry too much what others thought of me, of my decisions and of my actions. Eventually, I came to realize that if youre wasting too much time seeking validation, respect or approval from others, then you wont have time to accomplish all that you desire. Everyone has an opinion, but in reality other’s opinions of you are based more on their history and perceptions than anything you’re actually doing.
        2. Today is whats important.
        Enjoy every moment of today, because you are not guaranteed a tomorrow. Dont put off your dreams. Dont wait to do, try, enjoy all of those someday items. If its important to you, then DO IT TODAY. Pay attention to what is happening now, to the people around you, to the task at hand and to all of the choices you make today, big and small.
      3. Let it go.
        What happened yesterday is over. Those unmet expectations, difficult situations, failures and conflicts are in the past. You cant change it, so let it go. Dont waste your energy dwelling on anger, resentment or disappointment. It only keeps you stuck in the past and holds you back from moving forward in your life.
        4. Its called work for a reason.
        Success at anything takes work. When you hear about an overnight success story, dont forget about all of the work that came before. You may have to do work you do not enjoy and trudge through the trenches of planning, building, refining, moving up, out, over and redefining before you get to the place where success clicks. Keep going.
        5. Believe in yourself.
        You are your own worst critic, and so can you be your own best supporter. If you do not have confidence in your own value, abilities and contribution, then nobody else will either. You must have faith in your intrinsic worth. We each have something to offer that is necessary and valuable, though we may not know what that something is.
        6. Dont burn your bridges.
        You never know when a former boss, colleague, business partner or acquaintance may come in handy. Try to part on good terms, stay on good terms and never gossip about former connections. Be respectful and open to possibilities. Maintain and foster connections on all levels. Connect others and offer your help to those you know. A wide pool of friends, peers and connections of all kinds will provide a wealthy resource of ideas and support as you go forward in life.
        7. Money is not the most important thing.
        Money is important. We all have bills to pay, I understand that completely. But in the end, money is not the end goal. Satisfaction in a job well done, contributing to something worthwhile and finding something you enjoy doing are more motivating goals and certainly lend themselves to a happier and less stressful life. Money does not equate to happiness. Money is simply a currency that allows you to eat, dress and live. It is not a magic wand.
        8. Dont be afraid to stand up and stand out.
        Take a stand. Speak up. Stand out from the crowd. If something is important to you, then stand up for itNever compromise your integrity. If its not right, say so. Be quirky, be different, be yourself. Dont worry so much about conforming to societys standards or whatever passes for the norm. While I do think it reasonable to be clean, respectful and considerate, I think we place too much emphasis on fitting in and being appropriate。” This is not your grandmothers world. Dont be afraid to be yourself.
        9. Its not a race.
        We have so much to do, so much to accomplish and it feels as though we have to be in a hurry to get there. It is likely that you will live upwards of 80 years. That is plenty of time to fit a whole host of wonderful endeavors into your life. You do not have to do it all at once. In fact, if you try to do it all at once you will, at best not have time to enjoy it and at worst burn out and damage your health and relationships. Slow down and take one thing at a time, one day at a time.
        10. Look for the good in everything.
        Stay positive. Look for the good in people. Celebrate the happy moments, big and small. Give helpful encouragement rather than negative criticism. If you view the world around you and lifes challenges through the lens of goodness, then you will find life much more enjoyable.
        Life is serious and sometimes awful but you can still be upbeat and hopeful. Otherwise, whats the point?
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