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    1. 當(dāng)前時(shí)間為:


      魅力一中 輝煌卓著

      當(dāng)前位置:首頁 / 組織機(jī)構(gòu) / 教研室/It is not your title that makes you a leader. It is your influence, inspiration and initiative. Agre

      It is not your title that makes you a leader. It is your influence, inspiration and initiative. Agre

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-03 07:32:24瀏覽次數(shù):3547

       "Make me a leader" said my employee.

      "What do you mean ? What don't you have ?"

      "I do not have authority over other people to tell them what to do."

      "Do I ever tell you what to do ?"

      "Very rarely. We decide together and you help us to reach the right decision. Or you know the answer and explain it's logic to us. If our logic and our answer is better you listen and use ours."

      "Exactly. It is painful for a true leader to rely on his or her authority."

      "But what do I need to do to become a leader, then ?"

      Leaders are not appointed. People become leaders when they earn and get the following.

      Trust. Here is how we earn get trust:


      Respect. Here is how we earn respect


      Initiative: Do not wait for a perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.

      Sharing: share information, knowledge, credit

      Influence and Inspiration: Influence people to do the right things, inspire them to do their best.

      Empowerment: empowering others and stepping back. An employee is a rocket, a leader is a rocket booster.

      Telling people what to do is not anywhere here. Because it is not what leaders do, that's what bosses do. Leaders do not act from a position of authority or a title, they lead by influence, inspiration and a personal example.

      Do you agree ?

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