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    1. 當(dāng)前時(shí)間為:


      魅力一中 輝煌卓著

      當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè) / 組織機(jī)構(gòu) / 教研室/王室大婚:給你的口語(yǔ)加點(diǎn)“愛(ài)”


      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2011-05-02 07:27:02瀏覽次數(shù):2881





            1. Cinderella was head over heels in lovewith Prince Charming.


            head over heels in love:when someone is totally in love and is excited about it 深深?lèi)?ài)上某人、愛(ài)得神魂顛倒

            2. To get Judy to go out with him, Bob lied and told her that her boyfriend was seeing another woman. "All's fair in love and war", he told himself.


            All's fair in love and war:In some situations, such as when you are in love or waging war, you are allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want. 在愛(ài)情和戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中,一切都情有可原。

            3. My Grandma likes to dance with me: she's very young at heart.


            young at heart:when a person thinks and behaves as if they are younger than their actual age 人老心不老、心態(tài)年輕

            4. Tom is so handsome – he's a real heart-throb.


            heart-throb: a famous person who people find attractive 迷人的出名男子,大眾情人(尤指男演員或歌手)

            5. I told my friend that he had upset me and we had a heart-to-heart.


            heart-to-heart: a serious talk between people, where they talk openly and honestly about their feelings 坦誠(chéng)親切的交談;談心

            6. My Auntie Susan played Cupidwhen she introduced my brother to her friend.


            played Cupid:to arrange for two people to meet, hoping that they will fall in love with each other 扮演紅娘的角色

            7. I had a change of heartand decided not to go on the date.


            change of heart:when someone changes their mind or opinion about something 改變主意

            8. The witch cackled as she cast her spell on the love potion. "Now the prince will fall in love with me", she said.


            love potion: a spell that makes someone fall in love with you when they drink it 愛(ài)情魔藥

            9. Sometimes I think she's lovely, but sometimes I don't like her at all. It's a love-haterelationship.


            love-hate:to have conflicting feelings about a person 又愛(ài)又恨

            10. They call each other 'sweetie-pie' and 'cuddle-monster'. They are very lovey-dovey.


            lovey-dovey:to be very affectionate towards another person. This is often used in a negative way. 過(guò)于情意綿綿的

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