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      魅力一中 輝煌卓著

      當(dāng)前位置:首頁 / 組織機(jī)構(gòu) / 教研室/Top travel stops

      Top travel stops

      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2015-05-07 06:14:58瀏覽次數(shù):2946
      導(dǎo)讀:“世界那么大,我想去看看”,一封女教師的辭職信在網(wǎng)上引發(fā)熱議。也許,每個(gè)人都有一個(gè)遠(yuǎn)行的心,出發(fā)前,不妨先來看看有哪些地方值得一去! One of the most exciting things for those who’ve been bitten by the travel bug is exploring new destinations and encountering refreshing scenery. Travel website tripadvisor.com listed this year’s Travelers’ Choice award-winning destinations last month. Based on millions of reviews by travelers, the list reflects the hottest travel trends. 對(duì)于旅游迷而言,最興奮的莫過于發(fā)掘新去處,游覽新風(fēng)景。上個(gè)月,旅游網(wǎng)站tripadvisor.com發(fā)布了“旅行者選擇獎(jiǎng)”的旅行目的地榜單。該榜單根據(jù)眾多驢友的評(píng)論評(píng)選產(chǎn)生,代表了最熱的旅行趨勢(shì)。 We’ve interviewed four travelers who have been to the top four cities to let them share their experiences. 我們采訪了四位驢友,他們分別去過榜單中最靠前的四座城市。來看看他們的旅行故事吧! 1. Marrakech, Morocco 馬拉喀什,摩洛哥 Shen Ze, 24, medical student at Virginia Tech, US 沈澤,24歲,美國弗吉尼亞理工大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)生 I’m a desert enthusiast, so when my friend commented on how beautiful Morocco’s stretch of the Sahara Desert is, I was motivated last year to go to Marrakech for a visit. I found three other companions on the travel website qyer.com and flew there from Madrid, Spain last June. 我是沙漠發(fā)燒友。所以,當(dāng)我聽朋友說與撒哈拉沙漠毗鄰的摩洛哥有多么多么美麗時(shí),我就按捺不住了,終于在去年遠(yuǎn)赴馬拉喀什。我在窮游網(wǎng)上找到了三位同伴,去年六月從西班牙馬德里乘飛機(jī)出發(fā)。 We were lucky and didn’t encounter any sandstorms. I booked a four-person tour on morocco-cameltrekking.com three months in advance. Each tourist spent 190 euros (about 1,250 yuan). Due to the sweltering heat, visitors couldn’t enter the desert during the daytime. Therefore, we set off at 6:30 pm with the local guide and arrived at the campsite after one hour. The scenery completely put the other deserts I’d seen to shame: the camels sauntered around in gusts of wind that swept the golden sand up into the air, blurring the border between the sky and everything beneath it. 我們很幸運(yùn)沒有遭遇沙暴。早在出行的三個(gè)月前我就在morocco-cameltrekking.com網(wǎng)上預(yù)定了“四人行”,每人190歐(約合1250元人民幣)。因?yàn)樘鞖庋谉幔衬滋旖褂慰瓦M(jìn)入,所以我們都是在當(dāng)?shù)貙?dǎo)游帶領(lǐng)下晚上6:30出發(fā),一個(gè)小時(shí)之后返回營地。那里的景色完勝了所有我見過的沙漠:駱駝在風(fēng)中漫步,風(fēng)揚(yáng)起金黃色的沙子,天空與沙漠的邊界也變得模糊了。 Best season: November to February 最佳旅游時(shí)間:11月至來年2月 Tips: 小貼士: •Haggling is a tradition. 殺價(jià)是那里的慣例。 •Ask the price before taking photos of or with an animal. 在給任何動(dòng)物拍照前記得詢問價(jià)格。 2. Siem Reap, Cambodia 暹粒,柬埔寨 Zou Liya, 26, new media specialist in Shanghai 鄒麗婭,26歲,上海,新媒體專員 I went to Siem Reap for three days at the end of last year. I set off from Shanghai and spent 4,000 yuan in total in Siem Reap and other Combodian cities. 去年年末,我從上海出發(fā),在暹粒旅行了三天,還去了柬埔寨的其他城市,一共花了4000元。 I’d had my eye on Siem Reap long after my friends spoke highly of the Angkor Wat temple complex. And it was true! It was bigger than I expected. If you want to appreciate it fully, it might even take one week, but I was only there for two days. But in that short time I was fascinated by its ancient mystery. The temple walls were decorated with delicate frescos reflecting the joint legacies of Hinduism and Buddhism. The most common way to get around Siem Reap is to hop on rickshaws (the locals call them Tuk Tuk), but I ventured out on a bike like many Europeans. It took 45 minutes and I felt so tired. 聽到朋友們對(duì)吳哥窟贊嘆不已,我就一直想去趟暹粒。果然不枉此行!那里比我想象的要大得多。若想要盡覽吳哥窟的美景,估計(jì)需要一周左右的時(shí)間,而我只在那里逗留了兩天。但即便如此,我也已經(jīng)被那里古老而神秘的氣息深深地迷住了。寺廟墻壁上的精美壁畫彰顯出佛教與印度教的文化。游覽暹粒時(shí)最常用的就是人力車(當(dāng)?shù)厝朔Q之為“嘟嘟車”),但是我卻冒險(xiǎn)像很多歐洲游客一樣選擇了騎自行車。我騎了整整45分鐘,感覺太累了。 Best season: November to March 最佳旅游時(shí)間:11月至來年3月 Tips: 小貼士 •Go to Angkor Wat during sunrise or sunset to avoid crowds. 在日出或日落之時(shí)訪問吳哥窟,可以避開擁擠的人群。 •Dress modestly when visiting Buddhist temples. Don’t wear pants and clothes without sleeves. 去佛教寺廟時(shí)盡量穿著端莊,不要穿褲裝或是無袖上衣。 3. Istanbul, Turkey 伊斯坦布爾,土耳其 Li Liang, 33, staff member at a custom clothing company in Hangzhou 李靚,33歲,杭州高級(jí)定制服裝公司職員 Photos taken by Turkish female photographer Rengim Mutevellioglu and the book Istanbul, written by Turkish Nobel Literature Prize-winning author Ferit Orhan Pamuk, inspired me to explore Istanbul. 土耳其女?dāng)z影師Rengim Mutevellioglu的作品,還有土耳其諾貝爾文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)得主費(fèi)利特•奧爾罕•帕慕克的那本《伊斯坦布爾:一座城市的記憶》,都是我去伊斯坦布爾旅行的動(dòng)力。 I expected it to be ancient like other cities in Europe. But it was more than that. Arriving at night, I passed the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. As expected, its walls were decorated with blue tiles. When I saw the giant blue glass windows and blue painted ceiling in the following trip, I was amazed by its colorful hues. Pious people sat in it, creating an intensely religious atmosphere. The whole city looked full of history. When I stood on the Galata Bridge, I saw the scattered houses and the blue straits weaving through the city. Everything was vibrant but still evoked a slight feeling of melancholy, just like Pamuk described in his book. 我原本以為那里會(huì)像其他歐洲城市一樣只是古色古香。但伊斯坦布爾不只如此。我夜晚抵達(dá),路過了蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺,那里的內(nèi)壁果然由藍(lán)色瓷磚裝飾而成。隨后,我看到了巨大的藍(lán)色玻璃窗,也見到了漆成藍(lán)色的穹頂,那些絢麗的色彩令人嘆為觀止。虔誠的信徒們端坐其中,傳遞出濃厚的宗教氛圍。整座城市也充滿了歷史氣息。當(dāng)我站在加拉塔大橋上時(shí),只見房屋遍布整個(gè)城市,藍(lán)色的海峽從城中穿過。正如帕慕克在他的書中所寫,一切都充滿活力,卻又帶著一絲淡淡的憂郁。 Best season: spring and autumn 最佳旅行時(shí)間:春季和秋季 Tips: 小貼士: •Bring your own socks. You’ll need to take your shoes off to enter the Sultan Ahmed Mosque. 記得自備襪子,因?yàn)樵谶M(jìn)入蘇丹艾哈邁德清真寺時(shí)需要脫鞋。 •Wear comfortable shoes, as it is a hilly city. 穿一雙舒服的鞋子,因?yàn)檫@是一座山地城市。 4. Hanoi, Vietnam 河內(nèi),越南 Huang Shiqi, 26, professional in a Beijing real estate company 黃詩琪,26歲,北京房地產(chǎn)公司職員 This January, I went to Hong Kong for a training and had a one-week holiday. I searched on the map and found Hanoi, Vietnam wasn’t too far away. It was a two-hour flight out of Hong Kong. 今年1月,我去香港培訓(xùn),有了一周假期。在地圖上找了一圈,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了越南河內(nèi)離自己不太遠(yuǎn),從香港飛過去只需要兩個(gè)小時(shí)。 I booked a hotel in the center of the city, woke up late every day and walked around freely in the streets. The houses were worn out, the streets were narrow and people wore outdated clothes. In the afternoon, many ordered a cup of coffee and a plate of melon seeds to kill time in the cafe. I originally thought Vietnam was a poor country, but I was surprised to see people there still enjoyed themselves and were quite optimistic. That amazed me. 我訂的賓館在城中心,每天睡到很晚,起來之后就去街上閑逛。那里的房子飽經(jīng)滄桑,街道狹窄,人們的穿著也有些過時(shí)。午后,很多人都會(huì)要一杯咖啡、一碟瓜子在咖啡館里打發(fā)時(shí)光。我原本以為越南是一個(gè)貧窮的國家,但令我驚訝的是,那里的人們?nèi)匀粫?huì)享受生活,而且十分樂觀。 Best season: spring, autumn and winter 最佳旅行時(shí)間:春季、秋季和冬季 Tips: 小貼士: •Be careful of the exchange rate between the Vietnamese dong (VND) and RMB. 一定要注意越南盾和人民幣之間的匯率變化。 •Use both hands to pass things to someone else. 用雙手接遞物品。
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