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    1. 當(dāng)前時間為:


      魅力一中 輝煌卓著

      當(dāng)前位置:首頁 / 組織機(jī)構(gòu) / 郝愛榮中原名師工作室/教師課堂規(guī)范用語


      發(fā)布時間:2018-11-15 09:41:47瀏覽次數(shù):6539






      教師的課堂教學(xué)實(shí)際上從其走進(jìn)教室的那一刻起就開始了。A good beginning makes a good ending. 一個好的開端對于一堂課來說非常重要。教師主動、友好地同學(xué)生打招呼,不僅可以喚起學(xué)生的注意力,使其為開始上課作好準(zhǔn)備,還可以創(chuàng)造一個平等、和諧、愉快的學(xué)習(xí)氛圍,以保證課堂教學(xué)的順利進(jìn)行。



      Hi! Good morning/ afternoon.

      Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls.

      It’s so nice/I’m so happy to see you again.

      Good , you look great/ wonderful today.

      How are you doing?

      How’s it going?

      You look so happy, any good news?

      OK, class/ boys and girls , are you ready to have class/begin?

      (Instead of saying: “You”)

      May I know your name?

      (That’s a nice name.)

      Could you tell me your name, please?

      (You’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. )

      Shall we begin our lesson now?

      Let’s start our class, shall we?







      Who’d like to answer the question?

      Who can answer the question?

      Who knows the answer?

      Who’d like to have a try?

      Would you like to try, Mary?

      Tim, would you like to have a try?

      Do you want to try, Lee?

      Would you like a second try?

      Would you like someone to help you?

      Who’d like to help?

      Who’d like to read the text?

      Who can spell the word “…”?

      Can you spell the word “…”?

      Do you know the Chinese/English of the word…?

      What’s the English/Chinese for “…”?

      Any volunteer?

      Any one/ boy/ girl?

      Have I made it clear?

      Is it clear to you?

      You see the point?

      Got it? / Did you get it?

      Are you alright with it?

      Are you OK with the practice?

      Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?















      教師在使用肯定式評語對學(xué)生的課堂表現(xiàn)進(jìn)行肯定和表揚(yáng)時,一定要讓學(xué)生感到老師是在由衷地夸獎他。要避免敷衍和流于形式。不要濫用‘Good’。有的老師過多地單一使用 ‘Good’ 評價學(xué)生的表現(xiàn),很難使學(xué)生從中受到激勵,激發(fā)學(xué)習(xí)的積極性。



      Not bad. Thank you. (I’m sure you can do better next time.)

      Good!Thank you. (I could see you’ve practiced a lot.)

      Good boy/ girl . That’s a good answer. Thank you.

      Quite good! (I really appreciate your effort.)

      Very good!(I really enjoy it.)

      Great! (You did a good job.)

      Excellent! (Let’s give him/her a big hand!)

      Wonderful!(I’m so proud of you.)

      Well done! (Good boy/girl.)

      Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.)

      Nice going! (You make a great progress.)




      What a bright idea! Thank you.

      That’s a great answer. (I really like it.)

      You did a good job! (We’re so proud of you!)

      Good point! (I really enjoy it.)

      Good job! (I'm very pleased with your work.)

      Smart! (What an adorable baby!)

      Clever! (I envy you very much。 )

      Perfect! (You're very professional.)

      You are such a smart boy/girl!

      You got sharp eyes/ears.

      I couldn’t believe my ears!






      Is it good?

      Isn’t it a good answer?

      Do you like his/her answer/reading?

      Did he/she do a good job?

      That’s a fantastic answer, isn’t it?

      He/she did an excellent job, didn’t he/she?


      (3) 啟發(fā)式糾錯

      當(dāng)學(xué)生犯錯誤時,教師要避免使用否定的評價語言,如:You are wrong. It’s not correct. 對回答不出問題來的學(xué)生不要簡單地使用“Sit down”,要給他們可能獲得成功的機(jī)會,鼓勵他們,保護(hù)他們的學(xué)習(xí)積極性。



      That’s very close. Go on!

      It’s almost right. Try again, please.

      Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it.

      I’m sure you can do it if you really try. (See? You did it really well.)

      Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.

      I’m sorry. Would you like a second try? /Would you like to try again?

      Not bad. Go on, please.

      Come on, It’s very close.

      It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.





      非語言評價—既運(yùn)用手勢,表情(眼神、面容、微笑)及其他肢體動作語言(body language) 來對學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)行的評價。在使用語言行為評價方式的同時注意非語言評價方式的使用可以加強(qiáng)評價效果。



      ① 微笑加語言。

      ② 用力點(diǎn)頭---是一種肯定。

      ③ 驚訝的表情 + 可表示贊賞。

      ④ 豎起大拇指,可表示一種高度的贊賞。增強(qiáng)自信心,獲得成就感。

      ⑤ 一只手手心朝上不斷煽動四指同時說道:Yes, come on, come on. 或Yes, go on。這種語言行為和非語言行為手勢的同時使用,不僅對學(xué)生的發(fā)言是一種鼓勵和肯定,同時還可以激勵、引導(dǎo)學(xué)生將發(fā)言進(jìn)行下去,啟發(fā)學(xué)生思維。不斷的啟發(fā)和鼓勵能夠起到引導(dǎo)學(xué)生思維,培養(yǎng)思維習(xí)慣的作用。

      ⑥ 鼓掌---當(dāng)學(xué)生任務(wù)完成得出色時,教師可鼓掌表示贊揚(yáng)。也可以號召學(xué)生一起鼓掌。掌聲可以使人產(chǎn)生成就感,增強(qiáng)自信心。

      ⑦ 撫摸孩子的頭,拍拍孩子的肩膀也是一種鼓勵性的非語言行為的評價手段。這一手段的使用會使回答正確的孩子心中蕩起美孜孜的幸福感和對老師的親近感。這種感覺可以拉近孩子和老師的距離,拉近他們和英語課堂的距離,使他們喜歡上課并激發(fā)表達(dá)的欲望。對于回答錯誤的孩子,這一手段的使用可以起到安慰、消除他們心中的不安及沮喪、緩解焦慮情緒的作用。(此方法僅可用于低年級)





      Now class/ boys and class, class begins.

      Today, we’re going to learn …

      Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...

      Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, please look at the blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.

      Please read the … together. One, two, three, go!

      Now, let’s sing the song… together.

      Now, let’s enjoy the song from the tape.

      Well, let’s go on. Please look at page …

      This time, you do it one by one.

      Now, listen to the tape.

      Now, listen to me, please.

      Now, I’ll read the …, please follow me.

      Now class/ boys and girls/ children , read after me/ the tape.

      Follow me, please.

      Just follow me, class .

      Yes, please. (To answer “ Let me try or let me answer the question ”)

      Please show me how well you can do/ read it.

      Come to the front, please. / … please come to the front . Thank you.

      Thank you. Please go back to your seat.

      Thank you. You can go back now.

      It’s your turn, Sue.

      OK, class/ boys and girls/ children , please stand up.

      Please sit down.

      Please do it now.

      OK, go!

      Please work in pairs/ in groups/ individually/ by yourselves.

      Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, write/put the Chinese/English under/next to each word/picture.

      Now, let’s do the exercise.

      Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, find a partner and role-play the conversation.

      Work with your partner and answer the questions.

      OK, class/ boys and girls/ children, time is up. Please stop working/ talking now.

      Please stop here.

      Now, break time.

      Let’s have/ take a break.

      Good class/ boys and girls/ children, be quite, please.

      Now class/ boys and girls/ children, here’s your homework. Please do … and …

      Don’t forget your homework. It’s … on page …, …on page…







      OK, class/ boys and girls/ children, that’s all for today. I’ll see you next time.

      Let’s call it a day today.  I’ll see you the day after tomorrow.

      Alright class/ boys and girls/ children. We’ll stop here today.

      We’ll end up the class now.

      Class is over.

      Class dismissed.

      See you next time, class/ boys and girls/ children.

      See you.

      See you later.

      Goodbye, class/ boys and girls/ children.

      Bye, class/ boys and girls/ children.

      Wish you a good weekend.

      Have a good weekend!

      Have a nice day!

      河南省新鄉(xiāng)市第一中學(xué) 版權(quán)所有 Copyright ? 2020 All rights reserved 備案號:豫ICP備06007185號-1 網(wǎng)站首頁站內(nèi)地圖
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